Monday, 11 November 2013



1.      AGE : ____________________________

2.      GENDER :
o   Female
o   Male

3.      JOB STATUS :
o   Student
o   Working
o   Others

o   Below RM500
o   RM500 – RM1000
o   Above RM1000

o   Celcom
o   Maxis
o   Digi
o   U – Mobile
o   Other : ___________________________

o   Price or rate per call / text
o   Promotion
o   Coverage
o   Internet Speed
o   Roaming Quality

o   Less than 30 minutes
o   From 30 minutes to 1 hour
o   1 hour to 3 hours
o   More than 3 hours

o   YES
o   NO

Monday, 23 September 2013


Celcom Axiata Berhad, has been operating in Malaysia since 1988 and it’s the oldest mobile telecommunication company in Malaysia.  It provides both prepaid and postpaid mobile services to more than 12.7 million subscribers and is the leading mobile broadband service provider in the country with over 1 million subscribers.(Celcom Axiata Berhad, 2013)

It is one of only four 3G service providers in Malaysia, the other three being U Mobile, DiGi and Maxis. 3G is the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology, successor of 2G. Analog cellular phones were the first generation. Digital phones marked the second generation (2G).3G is loosely defined, but generally includes high data speeds, always-on data access, and greater voice capacity.

The high data speeds are arguably the most important feature, and certainly the most marketed. They enable such advanced features as live, streaming video. There are several different 3G technology standards. The most prevalent worldwide is WCDMA (also known as UMTS). WCDMA is the 3G technology of choice for most carriers that used GSM as their 2G technology.(Phonescoop, 2013)

With the country's widest network, Celcom covers 95.2% and 83.7% of the Malaysian population with its 2G and 3G networks respectively. Celcom continues to invest in network coverage, capacity and performance. Its aim is to maintain its technology leadership and position as the country's best mobile service provider.

Reasons for Selection

Cellphones and Mobile Broadband have become essential to most people in developing and developed countries alike to continue their daily life. It’s even been proven to the point that governments in countries such as the US even offer subsidies to those unable to afford it.
The basis of this subsidy is that if someone can’t afford a phone, they can’t call a doctor or answer a call back from a potential employer. Even during an emergency such as witnessing a criminal act or being in danger, the amount of safety given to people who have access to a method of contact is far higher. Employment opportunities will also significantly drop as most employers expect individuals to be reachable with a mobile communication device at nearly all times.(Kasper, 2013)
Mobile Subscription has also played a large part in this because without a service provider a mobile phone is useless. As such mobile service providers in Malaysia, play a huge role in people’s lives.
We have decided to select this topic, to figure out exactly what are the demand factors that affect the Mobile Communications Industry and how people decide on which mobile subscriber to go with.

Market Competition

The market structure for cellular network services is oligopolistic competition. In these types of markets the industry is dominated by a few firms, in this case: Celcom, U Mobile, Maxis and DiGi.

Oligopolists are price takers and the barriers to entry the market are high due to access to expensive, complex technology and economies of scale. In this situation another important barrier to entry is the limited amount of licenses provided for cellular networks.

Oligopolies can retain long run abnormal profits due to high barriers of entry preventing sideline firms from entering the market to capture excess profits.

The products provided by these oligopolists are also virtually homogeneous with slight changes in coverage and data services.

Problem Statement

  What factors are considered when purchasing a Mobile Network ?

      If a individuals current Cellular Network increased the price of its services, how will customers react?(Price Elasticity of Demand-PED)

      If another Cellular Network were to reduce price, would individuals change their mobile service provider?(Cross Price Elasticity of Demand-CPED)


To analyze and understand the main demand factors that affects the decisions of consumers in subscribing to Mobile Network Providers.
The PED and CPED of Celcom and how sensitivity to prices affects the consumers decision making process.

A survey will take far more time to complete than most other methods of research and it is resource consuming.

The probability of human error is relatively high and if the data from the survey is not collected carefully, the error could have an immense effect on the results accuracy.
Since the survey is based on random individuals, problems such as personal issues and even unawareness of the significance and purpose of investigation could yield survey information useless or at least inaccurate.


Through rigorous research on the internet and academic references in the library, we managed to identify the factors that affect the Demand of mobile network providers.

 Factors of demand :

·         Income
·         Price of substitute telecommunication services.
·         Expectation of future prices.
·         Promotions

We created a close ended survey form using the factors above and we used the random distribution method to effectively distribute the survey to a wide responder base.

Examples of survey questions we used :

  • ·         What factors do you consider when purchasing a mobile network ?

  • ·         How much time do you spend on mobile phone on average in a day (calls only) ?

  • ·         Which mobile network do you prefer ?

We distributed the survey forms to students in Taylor’s Lakeside Campus and other known and unknown individuals. After we achieved our targeted amount of respondents  we evaluated the data and identified the relationship between the factors that influence the demand for Mobile Service Providers.

Finding and Analysis

Diagram 1: Factors that are considered when purchasing a mobile network

Based on Diagram 1, there are five factors that are often considered and will make an impact on the consumers' decision when purchasing a mobile network. The five factors that affects the demand of mobile network are promotion, coverage, internet speed, roaming quality and price of rate per call or text.

The primary factor that has the most significant effects on the consumer’s decision is price of rate per call or text. The most significant reason for this is because people call and text their friends and family on a daily basis, which then suggests that they will put the price of rate per call or text ahead of everything else. Similarly for an operating company, business calls and appointments are very common and this also leads them to consider the price of rate per call or text. Hence, the price of rate per call or text appears to be the most significant factors to be considered and so the demand will increase if the price is lower.

The next compelling factor will be coverage because consumers need coverage to access internet and make a call or text. Without good service coverage, consumers cannot communicate with each other smoothly and it will cause demand to be lower. On the other hand, internet speed and promotion appears to be equally important with 21% respectively. The internet speed offered by different mobile network companies are being effectively compared as people prefer to access quicker internet speeds which then suggest that internet speed is an important factor. Similarly, consumers prefer good deals instead of getting expensive or unworthy deals. Thus, people also take note of the importance of promotion. A better internet speed and promotion can helps to increase the demand of a mobile network. Lastly, roaming quality has the least significance, when compared to the other factors because roaming quality is only required when consumers are overseas. This causes its demand as a factor to be lower than the others.


Diagram 2: Will you change mobile network if other brands promote lower price and promotion ?

Based on the data presented above, it appears that people tends to remain loyal to the mobile network that they are currently using. One of the possible reasons that caused this is that their friends use the same mobile network. This may be an important factor as calling from the same mobile network is fairly cheaper than calling from a different mobile network. Especially on a long-term basis, it appears to be much more beneficial to people who makes phone calls regardless of personal or business purposes. Hence, cheaper in terms of calling and texting may be the primary reasons to cause people to be reluctant to change their mobile network.

In addition, people nowadays tend to sign packages offered by mobile networks when it comes to buying a new smart phone. In these packages, there will always be a fixed period of time where the consumers are required to use the mobile network's services. By changing or canceling the services that were signed in the contract, consumers may be required to pay additional fees or payment that is not included in the package. Thus, as changing mobile networks may cause inconvenience to the consumers, they tend to stick to their current mobile network.


After carefully completing the survey with as few human errors as possible, we have subsequently gathered and analyzed our data. 

Our survey has yielded the following conclusions according to our results:

i. 60% of all subscribers will continue to stick with their mobile network subscribers irrespective of an increase in price. 

ii. 67% of all subscribers will not have a change in the amount of mobile services they consume, even if their respective income increases. 

iii. If other brands reduce price or even conduct promotions, 60% of all consumers will still not change their mobile service providers. 

iv. The four main factors that are considered when purchasing a mobile network are promotion, coverage, internet speed and call/text messaging rates. 

v. We also determined that Maxis is the most popular mobile services provider. 

Most of these results were completely unexpected, for example, before we went into this survey, we believed that the demand for service providers would be more elastic since consumers had a few different options and oligopolies were price takers. Even though we were surprised when we understood that this was wrong, we realized that this could be most likely be due to contracts and the financial/social hassle that consumers must go through to change their mobile connections. 

Mobile services do not usually consume a large proportion of a individuals income and since most people tend to find it a necessity, they will continue to make the necessary phone calls and text messages whenever it is required. 

After critical analysis of the four main demand factors we also understood that, promotions are still certainly an important factor in switching customers to different mobile networks because consumers still respond to it and in a highly saturated market like this, any type of advantage would help. Coverage is also a very significant factor because consumers who are not in covered areas or consumers that visit areas outside covered areas often will not be able to fully utilize the service and will be easily tempted to go with a different provider that covers those areas. Coverage also affects the quality of communication and the speed of mobile internet. Internet speed is crucial because of the technological world we live in nowadays and the growing demand for faster internet. The price of calls and text messages is the most vital factor by a very narrow margin, this is because it's still a cost people could save on. Even though mobile bills aren't usually a large proportion of an individuals income, it can be significantly reduced by using off-peak times and carefully deciding on packages. 

This survey could have been far more accurate if we could have increased the amount of participants in our survey. We could have also increased the diversity of our respondents to acquire more varied answers. More questions would have also been able to give us more in-depth responses, however this is under the assumption that the respondents still maintain a positive interest in filling out the survey.

We believe that this survey has given us a wonderful insight into exactly what affects the demand for mobile subscribers. It has allowed us to find out exactly what we should look for when we wish to subscribe to a provider and in return mobile network providers should also be able to figure out what most of their customers ideally expect from them. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Reference List

  1. Celcom Axiata Berhad. (2013). Axiata Celcom. Available: Last accessed 5th November 2013.
  2. Phonescoop. (2013). 3G. Available: Last accessed 6th November 2013.
  3. Andrew Kasper. (2013). Cell phone subsidies for low-income people: a luxury or necessity?. Available: Last accessed 5th November 2013.